Liede-Schumann, S; Hartmann, HEK: Mesembryanthemum - back to the roots?, Taxon, 58(2), 345-346 (2009) | |
Stichworte: Aizoaceae, classification, Mesembryanthemoideae, morphological data, molecular data, phylogeny, taxonomy | |
Abstract: The drastic reduction of twelve genera to one in Mesembryanthemoideae (Aizoaceae) following molecular analysis is critically discussed. It is suggested to return to the previous classification recognizing eleven genera (Aptenia N.E. Br., Aridaria N.E. Br., Aspazoma N.E. Br., Brownanthus Schwantes, Dactylopsis N.E. Br., Mesembryanthemum L., Phyllobolus N.E. Br., Prenia N.E. Br., Psilocaulon N.E. Br., Sceletium N.E. Br., Synaptophyllum N.E. Br.) until more and better resolving data are available. |